Dehumidifiers TM AC

    11340.00 RUR per box

    Desiccant sorbent

    Activated zeolite TC-20.59.59-001-06241851-2018

    Sheath material

    Specially selected blue cotton fabric


    Can be applied at the request of the customer

    Delivery packing

    Sealed plastic bag packed in a corrugated box


    The activated zeolite is packed in a fabric bag. Has a seam in the middle to evenly distribute the zeolite inside the desiccant bag. Has an eyelet for ease of use.

    Prices for dryers TM AC, rub. VAT included

    Dryer weight, g Unit price, rub
    30 75,6
    50 84
    100 102
    150 108
    200 118,8
    250 128,4
    500 186
    1000 258